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Hampton Cigar Company Simplifies the Art of Smoking

The Hampton Cigar Company, based in Westhampton, launched in 2014 with one central mission: to bring a high-quality product with no pretension to an industry with a lot of it. Whether you’ve been smoking cigars for 40 years or zero, their cigars are intentionally designed to eliminate the stress of buying cigars–leaving only pleasure.
Take a moment and close your eyes; with a Hamptons Cigar Company cigar in hand, you’ll be transported back to the still of the shore at night. Available in mild, medium, and bold, these hand-crafted, cedar-aged beauties evoke beachy bonfires, even as the leaves start to change.
In the cigar, the filler is from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and the wrapper is also from the Dominican Republic. The cigar has an excellent taste, thanks to good tobacco supplier. The Hampton Cigar Company sells unique handcrafted cigars. Excellent brand awareness. Online sales only. The package includes three cigar mixes, wooden matches, a humidity control bag (which actually works), all in a beautiful drawstring pouch.