
At Hampton Cigar Company, we believe in simplicity.

Like many of you, we felt that purchasing a premium cigar had become unnecessarily complicated. We created Hampton Cigar Company to offer an alternative.


The Beginning

Our journey began with a call from a friend. He was in the market for a box of premium cigars, but was having a hard time differentiating between the hundreds of brands available. Overwhelmed by his options, he made his selection based on price and packaging and ended up disappointed. We knew there had to be a way to simplify the process and eliminate the guesswork when searching for a great cigar.


Square Cigars. Square Deal.

Our vision was to create a small family of exceptional cigars and make them available at an honest price. We partnered with renowned artisanal blender Luis Sanchez (La Tradicion Cubana) and set out to develop three unique offerings (mild, medium, and bold) in one consistent size. We sourced the finest all natural ingredients, thoughtfully blended them in small batches, and aged them in cedar trays. Our distinctly square cigars are now available through high end tobacconists, country clubs, and resorts.

Exceptional Cigars at an Honest Price.


Founded in the Hamptons

We grew up as friends on the east end of Long Island. Our cigar bands pay homage to this coastal region by spelling out the word Hampton in nautical flags. Our cigar blends speak for themselves.

“Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.”

– Woody Guthrie